California Dental Insurance – Dental Bonding Aftercare
Question: I just got some dental bonding on five teeth. However I forgot to ask if it was okay for me to eat anything. Or if I needed to wait. If so for how long to I need to waiting after having bonding done? I need to know.
Reply: First I would suggest you call the dentist office that did the bonding and ask them. A dentist would normally go over the aftercare of teeth bonding with you. Below are general suggestions but I would advise talking to your dentist
- You should be able to eat normally within five or so hours afterwords. Avoid eating hard foods until the bonding resin has a chance to fully set up and harden cause until then it remains soft and vulnerable. Due to that you should avoid eating any hard or chewy foods until your dentist tells you it safe to do so.
- Drink cold or lukewarm drinks. This is especially true during the first few days after having your teeth bonded, avoid drinking hot beverages.
- Use a straw to drink. Wherever possible you will want to avoid drinking beverages that can stain the bonding resin while it is still setting up. Such drinks can include coffee, tea, fruit juices and wine. One way to drink such drinks if you want to is though a straw as it will help minimize contact with your teeth.